Kubota Method BBrain Web classroom is an online program that aimed to empower parents with the knowledge and ideas of providing optimum stimulation to your baby according to the different stages of developmental growth. The curriculum is designed according to Professor Kubota Kisou’s brain science research and the comprehensive training is dedicated to enhance your child’s physical and brain development.

What will you get in the course

How to Sign Up

• Register an account for BBrain courses.
• Select the course that suits your child’s age and progress.
• Proceed to the payment and send your payment reference to us.
• Once we confirm the payment received, you able to access the material directly.

Our brain stimulating activities are very practical and once you have learned the techniques from our online video, you can easily turn everyday activities to ‘teachable moments’ and create memorable fun learning journey together with your child!

*Every baby is unique and please do note that there are individual differences in the development and growth of babies. Use your baby’s age as a reference point and follow the curriculum based on your baby’s progress and learning pace.

*Conduct the exercise when both you and your child are in a relax and happy mood. Do not stress up when your baby can’t perform certain activity and have faith in your child that he or she will eventually improve as practice makes perfect.

*Make it a routine of conducting the activity on a daily basis until your child has mastered the skills. Repetition helps to strengthen the connection in the brain and is the key of learning for your child.